Koriscenje kodova na Vas rizik.
Use these codes at your own risk.
Information you get
from the IMEI:
TAC Type Approval Code (first 2
digits = country code)
FAC Final Assembly Code
SNR Serial Number
SP Spare (always
Following procedure will show the software version
in first two rows of the display and manufacturing
date of the phone
on the last one (simbols ">" and
"<" are respectively the right and the
left arrows of the keypad)..
*#0000# Quickly reset menu language to English
To check the battery
level when the phone is off and not charging, press
very quickly NO and wait for about 2 seconds.
To see Extended
menus, go to MISSED CALLS, empty directory, press
and HOLD right arrow button and finally choose menu
type you prefer.
Customize (from
Extended menus)
Press Yes then you will be asked
"EditMenus?", Press Yes
If the menu is Blinking it is disabled.
If it is Not Blinking it is enabled.
You can enable and desable by pressing
When you enable a menu you can chose its position
When it asks for accept press "No" then if
the arrow is -> it tells the position to the
rigth shift, you can turn it to left by pressing
"*", so like this you can tell the phone
the place of the menu by giving the number of the
place of the menu like this: if your phone shows
"Store->2" the menu you are selecting
stays on the 2nd shift to the rigth !
When everything is done press "No", and if
you want to update press "Yes"
(bottom view, keyboard up, counting from the right)
1: Charger plus
2: Serial input
3: GND
4: Serial output. Debug messages appear here at
112KBaud when in debug mode
5: +5V out ? Sources over 100mA
6: Digital Input. Phone enters debugmode when tied
to +5V at power-up
7: Digital output. High when calling. Could be
off-hook signal
8: Enable external mike and speaker, connect to GND
to do so.
9: GND
10: Enable external mike and speaker, connect to GND
to do so
11: External microphone
12: External speaker, very small signal (10 mV)
All signals seem to be at 5V logic. Most debug
messages are text. Like "CB ok!" etc.
Debug messages are trailed by 0x0A, 0x0D. Power-up
means removal of battery, reconnection of battery,
depressure of "NO"
Command set
AT+GMI Manufacturer identification
AT+GMO Request model Identification
AT+GMR Request revision Identification
ATDxxx; Dial number xxx (note the semicolon (;))
ATH Hangup phone
AT+CFUN=? Define levels of fuctionality in the order
of power consumed
AT+CBC Query battery level
Hidden menus
Go to MissedCall
Empty the list
Press the -> key for a second or two
The option Menu size turns up
Choose 'yes' and go from there.
An alarm clock turned up too but it never rang